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Rational Build Forge

IBM Rational Build Forge

IBM Rational Build Forge

A software assembly line to automate and accelerate software delivery
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What is IBM® Rational® Build Forge®?

What is IBM® Rational® Build Forge®?

IBM Rational Build Forge products offer an adaptive execution framework that creates a software assembly line to automate and accelerate software delivery. It allows you to standardize and automate repetitive tasks, uncover development bottlenecks, determine trends for specific projects and manage compliance mandates.




Gives developers preconfigured build processes within their integrated development environments (IDEs).


Accelerates build and release cycles through iterative development and parallel processes.


Simplifies compliance management with self-documenting audit trails and role-based security.


Increases team efficiency with centralized build and release management using tools you already have.

IBM Rational Build Forge features

IBM Rational Build Forge features

Preconfigure build processes

Works with IDEs to give access to software assembly processes.

Accelerate productivity

Provides job process optimization so that jobs are run efficiently.

Increase team efficiency

Compatible with existing scripts, batch files, development tools and processes.

Simplify compliance management

Delivers compliance tracking and documentation without manual effort.

Which option is right for you?

Which option is right for you?

Build Forge Standard Edition

An adaptive execution framework that automates and standardizes the software assembly process.

Build Forge Enterprise Plus Edition

An adaptive execution framework that automates and streamlines software assembly in large enterprise environments.

Next steps

Contact us for pricing details or to get started.