Arithmetic overflow in F_BUILD_REQU_METRICS_R

Defect Description

The Data Mart Data Collection build Build Facts could fail with an arithmetic overflow error.

Steps to reproduce:

Run the data collections (manually or scheduled). In cases where there is actual build metrics to collect from Rational Team Concert applications, the build could fail with an arithmetic overflow error thrown by the DBMS

Error Description/Symptom

03/07/2014 15:38:35,672 [dcc_etl_Fact_Build_RIDW_resource_3] ERROR Some issues occur when retrieving the resource 'F_BUILD_REQUI_METRICS_R'.
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-802, SQLSTATE=22003, SQLERRMC=null, DRIVER=4.14.121

Resolution or workaround

To resolve this problem, you need to add a new fact_build.ttl file. Steps to apply the fix: