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IBM Developer Kit for JavaTM 1.6 SR4-PK86771

Product Release / Trial | June 18, 2009
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Required service levels of the IBM Developer Kit for Java™

This IBM Developer Kit for Java™ 1.6 is made available for users of Jazz Foundation 1.0 and related products including Rational Team Concert 2.0. These products have been tested with the following JREs:

  • Sun JRE 1.5 Update 16
  • IBM JRE 1.5 SR9 + i-fix PK85942
  • IBM JRE 1.6 SR4 + i-fix PK86771

If you are using an IBM JRE with Jazz Foundation 1.0 and related products, you must ensure that you have the required service level of the JRE or a later JRE that includes fixes for the following issues:

If you attempt to run without the correct JRE, one or more services may fail to start in the Jazz Team Server.

Jazz Foundation 1.0 and related products include IBM JRE 1.5 SR9 + i-fix PK85942 which includes fixes for all of the above defects. The downloads provided on this page (IBM JRE 1.6 SR4 + i-fix PK86771) are the Java 6 equivalents. Five JREs are provided for the supported server platforms of Jazz Foundation 1.0/Rational Team Concert 2.0 and two JDKs are provided for the client platforms.

If you are running WebSphere Application Server you must obtain the corresponding WAS i-fixes which are made available under their corresponding WAS APARs. For Java 5/WAS 6.1 the APAR is PK85942 and the files are available from You should install at least WAS 6.1 fixpack 23 before installing the JRE i-fix. For Java 6/WAS 7.0 the APAR is PK 86771 and the files are available from