Planet Jazz is an aggregation of blogs written about the Jazz-based IBM Engineering products or related technologies by users, fans, and experts from all over the world. You can subscribe to the RSS feed to follow along, or check back here to read the latest.
Getting Overridden Properties by Pattern A quick Rhapsody API tip since this particular function is undocumented: getOverriddenPropertiesByPattern (String, int, int) Takes three arguments: This string ahould be in the form Subject.Metaclass.Pattern but any 2 of the three may be omitted, for example you can use:…
Overview When launched, Rhapsody takes many settings from the rhapsody.ini file in its root folder, such as (for example) the animation port to use and (if you are writing your own helpers) the remote debugging port. This can make it difficult to open more than…
Overview Today I got asked an interesting question: How can I have two drawing tools that create compositions of different objects of the same class? The answer wasn't quite as straightforward as I thought! Rhapsody has a property PartMetaclassName which you can specify on a…
Overview Plugin Helpers When a Java based helper is added to Rhapsody as a plugin (in a HEP file) then the plugin init method is passed the Rhapsody instance that called it: Note: This is only true if your code actually uses that argument. If…

Overview Are you used to being able to drag .rpy or .rpyx files from Windows explorer into Rhapsody to quickly open a project ? I am - I use it all the time - but in Rhapsody version 10 things have changed a little. Rhapsody…
Helpers Helpers are typically loaded through one of two mechanisms: The most common way for Rhapsody to read a helper file and load the helpers defined within it is to associate the helper file with a profile. Of course Rhapsody will only load those helpers…
Overview Is your project folder suddenly getting lots of Silent Mode log files ? Want to know how to stop Rhapsody from generating them ? Look no further ! These and other logging settings are controlled by a file in USER_OMROOT/Log (which may be directly…

Overview Rhapsody 10 introduced a few helpful new features for helpers. One of those is the ability to enable / disable menu items through the API. Note that this only works for menu items that have been added using a hep file - you can't…

Overview Typically, multiple property files are loaded by a proifle that loads the first one (using a property) and then that property file contains include statements to load others: but recently I was posed with the question 'what if i want the other way around?'.

Overview A few versions ago Rhapsody introduced some enhancements to the drag and drop functionality in Rhapsody. These went largely unannounced so you may not be aware of these time-saving improvements. Ordinarily when you drag elements in the browser Rhapsody will move them (or copy…

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